In this course we will discuss the activities of the operation’s group in the ‘Natural Gas Trading’ environment. Since these topics cover a lot of ground, we will be diving the information into two parts.
Part – I will cover Contracts, Imbalances and Capacity Release.

Pipelines and Contract
- Salient features of a pipeline:The first step for the operations groups is to know which pipelines are going to be use by the traders to move the natural gas. And so, we will discuss the salient features of the pipeline that the operations group need to know.
- Service Contracts: In order to move gas from one point to another point on the pipeline a pipeline contract, between the trading organization, and the pipeline company is a must. Without this contract in place, no gas can be transported on the pipeline. We will discuss the different types of service contracts that the trading organization need to have in place, so as to move gas from one point to another point on the pipeline.
- Imbalances: Here we will discuss what are imbalances, causes and imbalance trading
- Capacity Release: We will answer questions as to what is capacity release and payments for capacity release